Saturday, August 29, 2009

VOTE... help us lull dude bros to sleep.

Every year, Northampton (and the surrounding region) holds it's own microcosmic music awards called The Grand Band Slam, hosted by The Valley Advocate. Sylphid has been nominated for "best electronica act". Groovy? Sure.

Winners of each category will play an all-day festival at this enormous honking sports bar called Maximum Capacity (or "MaxCap" as the locals call it) - a mainstay of reunited, hair-metal fixtures such as Slaughter and Firehouse... and a perfect venue for our brand of bucolic, delta-wave-inducing ambient squalor.

So be a peach and help us out! (There are some other extraordinary artists on the ballot. Take great care to help them out as well.)


1 comment:

  1. i totally voted, i am also absolutely using this site, it's being used.
    Dude brahs be drinking they beer like you will they,REALLY!
